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Member Since 16 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 19 2013 12:30 AM

In Topic: Selling NiGHTS poster + Comic

19 November 2012 - 12:16 PM

Didn't the poster come from Famitsu? I seem to remember that being said somewhere when you first posted it ages ago.

I don't know what Famitsu is. Unless it's a magazine? Honestly, I don't recall details very well. It feels like so long ago now.

As far as I know of Kanji, the poster comes from the magazine "Sega Saturn Magazine" (Japanese)

In Topic: Selling NiGHTS poster + Comic

02 November 2012 - 08:23 PM

I buy the two things for 100 $ + "shipping".
Send me a PM if you agree and I will send the data.

By the way, I tried to send you a PM but will not let me

In Topic: Selling NiGHTS poster + Comic

02 November 2012 - 12:29 PM

Do you accept payment by paypal?