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Member Since 05 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 17 2008 01:35 AM

My Dream friendships?

23 December 2007 - 05:51 AM

I got NiGHTS yesterday from a gift-exchange from a good friend of mine, which is awesome 'cause I was expecting to get it on Christmas from my grandma. Anyway.

I decided to see if anyone was inviting on Wi-Fi for My Dream and stuff, and I got an invite from (what appeared to be) a Japanese girl.

Basically we played for an hour and had a conversation completely made of those crazy emoticons. That was fun, however, I really felt like I made a friend with this person, yeah I know, weird huh. XD I would have loved to have been able to send a Wii Register Friend request thing after I had left her dream, or even better yet, had text to go with the emoticons so we could actually converse. Basically I ended the game with a [message][?] emote, and then a sad face 'cause there was no way we could have talked afterward. XP

Oh, this is all assuming she had some basic understanding of English. :D

Do you think Nintendo's child-friendly approach to online gaming with anonymousness and lack of actual communication is beneficial or not? Do you think it's really worth it for there to be no way of talking to your opponent/ally, possibly dampening the experience for more matured persons, as opposed to the small possibility of a child talking to someone who could be a pedophile/whatever other worries there are?

Btw my name is Mark, if that person could possibly be reading this. (: lolololololol Hey, you never know!