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Member Since 05 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 17 2008 01:35 AM

In Topic: Mah wiimote sucks! D:

10 January 2008 - 02:51 AM

Weird. o_o

Do you have launch Wiis? Maybe mine's different because I got mine at launch... but then again the firmware updates should fix that. >> But then again maybe not. @___o

In Topic: Mah wiimote sucks! D:

05 January 2008 - 07:34 PM

No Jax, it doesn't work that way.

And yeah, Inno, you can do that, and you don't even need to take out the batteries, and that's faster if you're already in a game, but permanent syncing is best before you start playing because well... it's permanent. >>

Until you re-permasync though. (:

In Topic: Mah wiimote sucks! D:

05 January 2008 - 03:06 AM

That's called One-Time syncing, which WILL work. But I prefer to just totally re-sync your controllers.

When you turn on your system, open the little SD card slot, you should see a red "SYNC" button.

Take off the back of the 1P Wii remote so you can see the batteries and a small red button.
Take off the back of the 2P remote as well.

Hold the Wii's red SYNC button for a second, then hold the 1P remote's red sync button for a second.
Wait until the first controller is "1P", then repeat for the 2nd. This will ensure your controller is synced to that Player Slot at all times, unless of course you re-sync it.

The One-Time syncing way might actually be permanent for some reason, but if it's not, use the proper syncing method, as I explained. :U

Hope that helps for future use. :3

In Topic: My Dream friendships?

23 December 2007 - 06:15 AM

Yeah, definitely. I agree that there are happy mediums, but it should be based on parental controls and stuff... Like, even though NiGHTS is E for Everyone, and probably seen as a children's game, there are still plenty of people who would like to communicate with other players and NiGHTS lovers. :P I think parental controls would be a good way to get around this, since if the controls are set, the kids obviously are safe, but if they aren't, either it's not a kid playing, or the parents could care less. Yeah. >>

Headset support would be amazing. They did it with Pokemon Diamond and Pearl for DS, and I'm sure more children play that than older kids/adults.

In Topic: After 11 years

18 December 2007 - 09:11 PM


On the first page I complained how I couldn't get it today. Well, I still can't.

But when I got home from school today, my grandma called me and asked if there were any last-minute gift ideas for Christmas that I might want, since I hadn't told her much. XP So yeah, my grandparents are gonna get it for me for Christmas, along with Mario Galaxy. X333

I still have to wait, but at least I don't have to spend money on it. (: