In the advent of the new Smash Bros Brawl site, a large list of people employed for the Smash score was publicised. The vast majority of the list consists purely of videogame composing veterans, spanning from the composer of Actraiser's soundtrack to Nintendo's musical legend, Koji Kondo.
Among the list was NiGHTS' melody man, <insert name here>. This considered it is highly possible that NiGHTS will feature in the Brawl as one of the mentioned three third party combattents. Of course it's just speculation, but with the praising comments from Shigeru Miyamoto towards NiGHTS, and the new Wii exclusive NiGHTS game, it's one worth pondering.
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Tyson Toast
Tyson Toast
Member Since 25 Apr 2007Offline Last Active Jul 03 2008 11:07 PM