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Member Since 30 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2009 03:58 AM

My views of the current state of JoD/NiGHTS

01 July 2008 - 02:36 PM

Hey all

Well I own JoD and I've pretty much enjoyed it despite it's quirks and also that annoying pain in the <buzz> Bomamba (I can still only get a B, and that's my personal best). The thing that gets me is that a lot of people simply take one look and think it's a terrible game and instantly put crap all over NiGHTS, like some tool posted "this game is the most crappest game i've played in my life!!!" (he couldn't spell either) on the JoD Walkthrough on mywii.com.au. And when I go into places like EB, or GAME, JoD is pretty much in the bargain bin.

And to be honest with you, I kind of get embarrased about talking about NiGHTS or even Sonic for that matter to other gamers, because I probably would be laughed at or cop homophobic comments.

I'm wondering, do you also get upset about people putting crap on JoD or even feel embarrased about talking about NiGHTS to other gamers? I do,

I made a NiGHTS userbar

03 May 2008 - 01:32 PM

Hey all.

I just made a NiGHTS userbar bc I couldn't find any others out there. I may make a Reala and a Jackle one if you want as well.

Check it out:
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