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Member Since 25 Apr 2007Offline Last Active Dec 14 2009 03:25 PM
Profile Feed

SurREAL → wyldflowa
Hiya, Wyldflowa! I love your "femmyNights" wallpaper! It's those big eyes!!! 8D

DiGi Valentine → wyldflowa
Good god, you're alive!! O_O
...i thought you got 'done in'? lol
...i thought you got 'done in'? lol

wyldflowa → TRiPPY
Howdy howdy~ you guys better tell me when you're next in Trocadero ( I saw the photos on DA, I recognise those lying claw machines hohoho) - I'll make an effort to come along too! I likes that place. I've been introduced to Para Para and Bishi Bashi and I want more...

Roam → wyldflowa
Hey, I took a look at your webcomic, great work! Looking forward to reading more pages.