I only have a small collection of art right now, but I still feel like sharing...
Thanks for looking! Please tell me what you think, I encourage critiques!
(In order from oldest to newest)
Tru luv iz 4eva. Horrible texture of the paper is thanks to my Goo, who's water spilled on my drawing pad.
Doodles! Chibi, but not...gross. Actually, thanks to JOD, I like to call Doodles "Goodles" XD
Wizeman-hand. Slightly inspired by the "game spoilers" in the wtf section.
My Reala mask I made. Painted with acrylics.
This is Wrenreele, I guess she would be a Visitor. This was an experiment with a different style.
Claris Sinclair. Done with markers and some paint, cut out and pasted on to some scrap book paper.
This is sort of kind of practice with drawing Reala for when I decide to illustrate my fancomic/story "Son Of Perdition." This is one of those practice covers, until I decide what is good for me. Scanner made the gray and yellow horrible.
A NID bookmark of NiGHTS that I have just finished today. This is actually very glittery.
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Member Since 25 Apr 2007Offline Last Active Jan 23 2011 09:26 AM