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Member Since 25 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 23 2011 09:26 AM

In Topic: Twilight: Love it or Hate it?

16 July 2008 - 09:10 PM

I haven't even read her new book, "The Host." I read the dust jacket and was like "what the crap, this is Animorphs without the animal morphing and Twilight without vampires and werewolves."

I was at the airport waiting to pick up my aunt when I saw "The Host" and that was exactly what me and my boo thought. "Animorphs without animal morphing." ;)

In Topic: TRiP's other OTHER art

16 July 2008 - 09:04 PM

I just want it finished already!

You're not the only one! *Gets her magic fairy wand and tries to poof ink onto the pages.* *Fails* ToT

In Topic: Twilight: Love it or Hate it?

15 July 2008 - 11:24 PM

Hate hate hate hate!
It was poorly written, it's development of characters is horrible, the characters are horrible, for a romance novel- the lovers have little to no chemistry. Seriously. "You're pretty, can I marry you?" I can go on.
And (to save those who are intending to read it but haven't):

Also, to the authors defense, people blame the fact that she's LDS (Mormon) for there being no violence or sex, but I think because it's a book aimed at pre-teens. :blink:

In Topic: TRiP's other OTHER art

19 June 2008 - 01:38 AM

Just a quick question for you, Ms. Wrenreele: will you be sticking with your original gen title, or are you making a new one? It makes me no difference either way; I just want to be able to put it on the list if you choose a new title. I know the list is completely moot, but it's the one thing I can do that actually makes me feel special, so... I'ma keep doing it.

I'll be keeping my original title ^^

In Topic: TRiP's other OTHER art

19 June 2008 - 01:21 AM

I was wondering, for fan Gens, do they get to make up their own gen-stone design for themselves and their Gemons, or are there..rules to follow from what color you are or something similar?