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Member Since 28 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 07 2011 11:13 PM

In Topic: World Music?

27 April 2010 - 01:58 AM

I listen to Japanese music obsessively, but there's a local Spanish radio channel that plays some stellar stuff.

Thanks to Last.fm, I also have a good deal of Russian, Korean, Chinese and Arabic music in my iTunes library.
I honestly love foreign music; I need to find more of it.

In Topic: What are you listening to right now?

27 April 2010 - 01:56 AM

"Drama Section" by Mark Templeton.

It's... acoustic minimal electronica? I don't know; but it's absolutely awesome.

In Topic: Pokemon movies

27 April 2010 - 01:53 AM

I've seen every single movie, haha. All 12 of them!

I have to say that the first three movies still have epic amounts of 'charm' in them, though. They were Pokemon movies for the sake of being just that; there weren't as many characters/ story ideas/ etc. as there are now.

The new one (with Zoroark) looks like it'll be darn good, though. Here's hoping.

In Topic: NiGHTs: Lucid Dreaming - OC ReMix arrangement project

04 October 2009 - 11:43 PM

Got the e-mail this morning, and would like to offer my voice for the project whenever the time rolls around.

Also, I want to personally thank DiGi for mentioning me on the first page, seriously. I'm honored.
I understand that all the tracks are taken already, which is completely fine. I have to sadly admit that I'm a bit of a digital-composing newbie, so I doubt I'd hit that quality bar yet, but I'll continue to do my best and improve!
Glad you guys like my work, though.

On that voice bit... are there any set specifics yet for the vocals needed (key, tempo, etc.) or are we still waiting on that? Just curious.
Sorry, just saw the above post (it wasn't posted when I clicked the reply button earlier).

Either way, this project sounds absolutely brilliant, and I'll definitely be supporting it! Hope it all goes well!