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Tails Doll
Tails Doll
Member Since 11 Aug 2007Offline Last Active Feb 02 2020 05:25 PM
Profile Feed

WHOA CRAP, Tails Doll has my birthday! This is a sign of doom D:

Tails Doll → Sierra
Hmm? Oh. Can you feed me a little of the plot so I have something to help build upon? PM me, if it needs to be secret.

Tails Doll → Sierra
What is a doll? *throws juice box* A miserable little pile of stitches! But enough talk, hug at you! *glomps*

Sierra → Tails Doll
Even a Tails Doll's help is welcome. ^^ Especially a troper. :D

Tails Doll → Sierra
You said comment here if you wish to help with the RPG.
I assume you didn't mean me.
I assume you didn't mean me.