Yeah I converted the models to 3d studio, then exported to my game format. And yeah if I made the clipping plane further, it looked like you were flying in a cave.Oooh, that is interesting most interesting in deed. How did you rip the models off the CD? I ask this not researching at all
. Did you have to convert the models to any formats like 3D studio, or whatever format Xna takes?
Blooming makes the image very pretty, do you plan to do this in the final build? Also I like the redone textures to the grounds and characters as I'm sure the original smoothed textured version would have been very blurry had it been smoothed. I would never be able to do fan projects like this oneI would model my favorite characters in 3d though o_O (super high quality 3D model of klonoa.) XD
You have managed to also keep the clipping similar to the original the game I believe the game probably made good use of this. Had there been little clipping then things would have been too cluttered to enjoy o_O.
Anyway, congratulations on having the patience on working on something that many others would never do. (Considering 3D is a very difficult art to do and more so games.) Very interesting project
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Member Since 25 Apr 2007Offline Last Active Jan 14 2008 11:19 PM