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Member Since 09 Aug 2007Offline Last Active Mar 28 2009 03:44 AM
Profile Feed
KittyWhiggles → Maresuke
Hey there. ^w^. Life is good, yes?
I Hope so. btw, You're Reala ID, Thats hot. ^_~
Feb 23 2009 08:19 PM
I Hope so. btw, You're Reala ID, Thats hot. ^_~
Purgatory → KittyWhiggles
Ha ha ha, thank you! XD Well if I kicked his butt, he'd just eat my glasses instead!
Jul 16 2008 09:31 PM
KittyWhiggles → Purgatory
Harharhar. I like your ID pic. Purg is your maren critter, so kick his butt for your stuff back. XD
Jul 14 2008 03:29 AM
KittyWhiggles → Dark Magician
Awwe, thankyou for the birthday message. It means much to me. ^w^ *hugs*
Jul 09 2008 05:46 AM
WOLFNiGHTS2703 → KittyWhiggles
:P I know you from DA! Lovin' what I'm seein' 'ere! I don't recall seeing these on DA. I love your fanmaren too!
Feb 26 2008 05:41 PM
KittyWhiggles → DiGi Valentine
Hey hey heey XD, just saying hi and all. I like your ID picture ^_^. Val looks very happy.
Nov 17 2007 07:14 PM