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Member Since 04 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 27 2008 08:01 PM

In Topic: Non-violent Jackle Glitch

27 July 2008 - 07:07 PM

Danke, DiGi. Glad you like it Metera. ^_^

And Meggie, it's actually the original saturn version...woah. Kind of weird now that I think about it.
It's been eleven years and no one else has ever seen this glitch? O_o
*Twilight zone theme plays*

In Topic: Non-violent Jackle Glitch

27 July 2008 - 02:36 AM

@Meggie: Yeah, me and my sis noticed that too. The actual audio behind the music I cut in was something like: "Hey...he's kind of going off screen." "Yep." "He's going to high...FOLLOW HIM >D" The he passed through NiGHTS which was a 'WTF?' moment. Then we grabbed his foot and got him all pissed at NiGHTS again. XD

In Topic: Non-violent Jackle Glitch

27 July 2008 - 01:05 AM

No, just tried again and if you stop he still throws the damn cards at you. Even if he loops around the area he just turns to face you again instead of flying backwards like that.

In Topic: Shared Dreams

15 July 2008 - 09:18 PM

Celia glanced back at Diskue with a mix of suprise and refrain from laughing at him. 'Nutcase.'
Andrew scratched his head and turned to Scykle for a second. He'd thought the maren was leaving them but...ah whatever. He didn't seem that threatening, besides if it tried anything Disk was there. The boy looked up at the holographic screen and slowly reached a hand out for it, touching the 'FILE 1' text. The screen immedietely reacted and shifted around, seperating into several rectanglar peices and re arranging itself into a large, mostly blank screen. A new list started filling up the screen in strange lettering, but before it finished loading a bright red screen popped up in front of it.
Andrew stared at the screen, thinking for a moment. He felt like he was forgetting something, but he tried entering a password anyways.
"It was worth a try." He mumbled, in slight dissapointment."Any ideas?"
"Oh, let me try." Celia said, taking andrew's place.

In Topic: Shared Dreams

15 July 2008 - 04:57 AM

"We'll try to remember." Celia said, not really caring. Andrew glared at his sister, slightly angry that she was being so ignorant. He didn't say anything though as she had continued walking forward into the new area, footsteps making a strange, metallic clanking sound. As the two passed the glowing yellow circle of lines on the floor, Andrew suddenly dashed in front of his sister and held his arms out effectivly preventing her from proceding. "What the-" "Stopstopstop. It's not safe yet...." Celia watched in suprise as her brother walked over to the podium rising from the floor, where he started running his hands over what looked like buttons of some sort. With every keystroke more neon patterns lit up the darkness, revealing a multitude or walkways expanding in the distance. Celia couldn't help but stare in wonder as the area was 'activated', and she slid closer to Andrew to watch as he was entering seemingly random combinations on the keypad. "...What are you doing?"
"I'm not really shure, but I've done this before." He whispered back, excitedly. After a few more presses, a holographic screen projected from nowhere and the two dreamers stepped back. A multitude of text and numbers flashed by, far too quickly to read, before every window arranged itself neatly into a list of various file extensions. Each one simply titled-
FILE 4...

Andrew and Celia stared at the screen hovering before them, at a loss for what to do. After a few seconds of silence, Celia slowly turned to look at Andrew. "Well? Is that it?" She asked.
"Um..." Andrew mumbled. Truthfully, he was at a loss now. Whatever had posessed him to activate everything earlier had passed, and he had no idea what the above screen meant.