Hi NiGHTS fans, My name is Adz, and I am from a small town in New South Wales, Australia. Population 7000.
I fell in love with Sega games early on, even though my first "go" at playing a game was on a NES. I didn't really think much of it, but my Master System II with Alex Kidd changed that. I never owned many games on that system but hired out alot. I then moved onto the Megadrive and it was Sonic 2 that got me really hooked. I ended up with all the sonic games i could get my hands on for the MD.
So even though everyone was telling me to buy a PS1 i was stubborn enough to buy a Saturn and stick with the Sega i knew and loved. I bought the Saturn and wanted an extra controller and saw this little purple dude on a box of some weird much rounder saturn pad. Something about that image, i don't know what, but i was drawn to it. Because i had to drive for 2 hours to actually buy my saturn, i bought the Official Sega Saturn Mag (UK) to readon the way home, mainly because it had a feature on this so called NiGHTS game. After reading it i was kind of excited but didn't really know why as the game structure really made no sense. It was all so new. 3D, analogue control, FMV, It was all a bit overwhelming. I couldn't wait to get home and play it.
I plugged it in and watched the intros, then started playing it. It was the prettiest thing i had ever seen in my life but i had no idea what was going on at all. Night over! Played again, actually beat Gilwing, and then it was game over?? I was so confused. So for the next few hours i just kept playing it and all of a sudden it hit me like a tonne of bricks. I had it. I was looping, pulling off spins and drops and chains. This was the best thing that ever happened to me game wise. In fact, to this day, nothing i have ever played, made me feel like that on that day NiGHTS came into my life. I constantly tried to tell my friends about this awesome game. They didn't even want to play it. It was so hard to describe what the point was to someone who just didn't get it. Eventually one of my mates did get it, and he ended up beating all my high scores one weekend i lent him my saturn. I was so cranky that i sat down for probably 5 hours straight until i beat his scores and have my name back on there. That was what NiGHTS was and is about for me.
The only thing to ever get me even close to the excitement of NiD was playing my Wii for the first time. How fitting that Wii is getting the sequel. I wont rant anymore, i think everyone gets the gist of my intro: I LOVE NiGHTS!!!!!!!!
With all this talk of the Sequel i turned it on the other day, and to have all my progress lost was sooo depressing. Stupid Battery. Still its great to see my Saturn outlasted my Dreamcast ( my DC's controller ports are stuffed, it keeps pausing the game and not reading the controllers ) I think my saturn will last forever. As will NiD. The graphics may not have held up so well, but the game is still pretty, it is still wonderfully coloured and layered. Great design, perfect gameplay, and up until the sequel arrives, NiD was/is passionately unique.
The only thing i can contribute to this site will be my love for the game and what it has done for me. I hope that is enough. Sweet Dreams everyone.
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The Adza
The Adza
Member Since 25 Apr 2007Offline Last Active Dec 18 2007 05:48 AM