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The Adza
The Adza
Member Since 25 Apr 2007Offline Last Active Dec 18 2007 05:48 AM
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In Topic: NJOD graphics
30 April 2007 - 07:25 AM
maybe we are getting a bit less detail but going full 60 fps. who knows. I'm pretty sure it will turn out ok. Graphics wise anyway.
In Topic: Worst Nightmare
30 April 2007 - 03:03 AM
I am lucky, because i don't have many bad dreams, but i have had one absolute shocker, it wasn't long after my Nanna had passed away, and i was visited by her a fair bit after she had gone, i thought this dream was going to be the same, however it was all so sudden and horrible. I saw her face in the dark, smiling moving toward me which then a big flash and her skin ripped and burned off her face and there was this almighty demonic roar that just seemed to surround me, I woke up in the dark with the sweats and when i went to scream i couldn't, i tried moving my legs and i couldn't, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and i swear i felt this evil presence behind me and i couldn't move. I finally started twitching and moving my hands and jumped up and switched the light on and watched TV until daylight where i went back to sleep. Now most of that bad experience happened while i was awake or pseudo awake, but it was horrible, im getting the cold shivers just retelling it right now. yyyuck.
In Topic: Point of View in your Dreams
30 April 2007 - 02:50 AM
yeah i'd say i dream mostly in 1st person. Sometimes though i will dream as though i am the director of a movie where i'm not even part of it. I don't have a character to play. No interaction at all. It's almost as if i lose my sence of self, and because that's so alarming, i come to my senses and try to be brought into the dream, but once i am doing that i realize i am dreaming and wake up.
And to further the 1st person, sometimes i'ts like i am inside my own head and i can see 2 eyeholes seeing what my eyes see. Its hard to explain. Really bizzare.
And to further the 1st person, sometimes i'ts like i am inside my own head and i can see 2 eyeholes seeing what my eyes see. Its hard to explain. Really bizzare.
In Topic: Your Number 1 Favourite dream
30 April 2007 - 02:41 AM
My number one favourite dream is also my most frustrating and annoying as i always have to go through a sequence of surreal stuff to get to the good bit.
It is a reoccurring dream i have probably 2 or 3 times a year for the last 10 years give or take. It takes place at my High School. I am walking up the stairs of a two story building on my way to class, all the other kids are running up the stairs much faster than me and no matter how fast i go i cannot keep up and i'm left in the stair well all alone. When i reach the top i see a smaller set of stairs. Up those is a ladder into the ceiling. In the ceiling i crawl along a dark wooden corridor and find a very small door.
Now this is where it get's wierd. In this door is a secret school room, with a single bed, drawers, and a big mirror. There is also a bookshelf where diaries left here by students before me who have found this place (that somehow stays clean even though i am the only one to visit it in years) that i read. The people to find this room have always been loners, not many friends, felt isolated. Yet this room which is isolation itself brings a very calm and tranquil feeling with it. It is also here in this room that i realize i am dreaming. I also get the feeling from this room that it was a place teachers sent kids they didn't want to teach anymore, and were forgotten about. Yet i always remain calm and at peace.
The tiny door i entered the room by is too high to reach to get out. I stand in front of the mirror and my reflection fades away and i can see the balcony of my primary school, not high school, and now it is night time and there is a huge white full moon. I hear the sounds of the other kids going about but can't see them although it's not alarming in any way. Realizing that i am not part of that life anymore, at least not until i wake up, i walk to edge of the balcony, climb up, look at the moon, take a deep breath, exhale, and take off, as if i were NiGHTS, flying around the school, which now is a merger of both schools, still alone but free. I take off into the deep blues and violets of the night sky, dipping through clouds, and start pulling off NiGHTS moves, This seems to go on for ages, and i either land back at School and wake up or simply wake up while flying around.
Why was it special to you?
Because apart from a dream where i drive my car across a rickety old bridge and it collapsing and finding myself going down a flooding river with 44 Gallon drums on either side and never getting out, this is my only other reoccuring dream. That and i get certain queues that i am dreaming, and can control my flight. And of course because it reminds me of the NiGHTS flying so much. You know how you can kind of feel NiGHTS weightlessness somehow while playing the game? That's the feeling i get.
How long did it last roughly?
I'd say it takes at least an hour to go through the whole sequence of events. I don't really know as it has always happened just before i wake up in the morning.
Were you lucid?
For the first part of it it seems like major De Ja Vu, but it's not until i enter the secret room that i realize i am dreaming, but i know not to disturb the order of events because i will wake up.
Did parts of it confuse you?
It did at first but now it all seems natural. So real that when i am waking from it i know the flying wasn't real but the secret room at school was.
If you could see it again would you want to and why?
It's been a while since i have had this dream and would love to dream it again. The feeling of flight is awesome and while i have had other flying dreams, most have either been like floating or superman type flight, NiGHTS flight is definately more interesting and diverse, and more real. And thanks to this new NiGHTS game and my excitement for it, i have had a few dreams lately where NiGHTS just pops in to say hi, which is always good, as i used to use NiGHTS if he ever showed up as a way to Lucid dream, just to let me know this can't be real, but never in a startling way that makes me wake up. I wish it happened more often.
It is a reoccurring dream i have probably 2 or 3 times a year for the last 10 years give or take. It takes place at my High School. I am walking up the stairs of a two story building on my way to class, all the other kids are running up the stairs much faster than me and no matter how fast i go i cannot keep up and i'm left in the stair well all alone. When i reach the top i see a smaller set of stairs. Up those is a ladder into the ceiling. In the ceiling i crawl along a dark wooden corridor and find a very small door.
Now this is where it get's wierd. In this door is a secret school room, with a single bed, drawers, and a big mirror. There is also a bookshelf where diaries left here by students before me who have found this place (that somehow stays clean even though i am the only one to visit it in years) that i read. The people to find this room have always been loners, not many friends, felt isolated. Yet this room which is isolation itself brings a very calm and tranquil feeling with it. It is also here in this room that i realize i am dreaming. I also get the feeling from this room that it was a place teachers sent kids they didn't want to teach anymore, and were forgotten about. Yet i always remain calm and at peace.
The tiny door i entered the room by is too high to reach to get out. I stand in front of the mirror and my reflection fades away and i can see the balcony of my primary school, not high school, and now it is night time and there is a huge white full moon. I hear the sounds of the other kids going about but can't see them although it's not alarming in any way. Realizing that i am not part of that life anymore, at least not until i wake up, i walk to edge of the balcony, climb up, look at the moon, take a deep breath, exhale, and take off, as if i were NiGHTS, flying around the school, which now is a merger of both schools, still alone but free. I take off into the deep blues and violets of the night sky, dipping through clouds, and start pulling off NiGHTS moves, This seems to go on for ages, and i either land back at School and wake up or simply wake up while flying around.
Why was it special to you?
Because apart from a dream where i drive my car across a rickety old bridge and it collapsing and finding myself going down a flooding river with 44 Gallon drums on either side and never getting out, this is my only other reoccuring dream. That and i get certain queues that i am dreaming, and can control my flight. And of course because it reminds me of the NiGHTS flying so much. You know how you can kind of feel NiGHTS weightlessness somehow while playing the game? That's the feeling i get.
How long did it last roughly?
I'd say it takes at least an hour to go through the whole sequence of events. I don't really know as it has always happened just before i wake up in the morning.
Were you lucid?
For the first part of it it seems like major De Ja Vu, but it's not until i enter the secret room that i realize i am dreaming, but i know not to disturb the order of events because i will wake up.
Did parts of it confuse you?
It did at first but now it all seems natural. So real that when i am waking from it i know the flying wasn't real but the secret room at school was.
If you could see it again would you want to and why?
It's been a while since i have had this dream and would love to dream it again. The feeling of flight is awesome and while i have had other flying dreams, most have either been like floating or superman type flight, NiGHTS flight is definately more interesting and diverse, and more real. And thanks to this new NiGHTS game and my excitement for it, i have had a few dreams lately where NiGHTS just pops in to say hi, which is always good, as i used to use NiGHTS if he ever showed up as a way to Lucid dream, just to let me know this can't be real, but never in a startling way that makes me wake up. I wish it happened more often.
In Topic: Shoutout Messages
30 April 2007 - 01:33 AM
If you thought your american accent was lame, try doing an aussie one. Its not as easy as throwing a shrimp on the barbie ya know. Any other Aussies here? A shout out to us would be awesome!
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