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Member Since 26 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 29 2008 03:28 AM

Wow... glad to be back!

28 June 2007 - 02:56 AM

Heh, heh welllll... it's nice to be back to the NiGHTS forums again.^^

Once called (Starlite Jazz) on the old forums i'm now called Starz.

Real Name is Chris,

My beloved life intrests are TKD "Tae Kwon Do", love the art style would never chose another before it.^^ Also I'm into break dancing loved the scene since the late 80's from the flips and turns to the windmills , it's great to cut loose. As a desired profession, I'm trying to be a illustrator/story boarder , while working on my BA degree in commercial arts. If i couldn't live without expressing myself or using my imagination.... well .i really don't know what i'd do with myself. Being creative is my goal in life.

I'm happy that this renewed forum has fun, creative and unique people as it did in the last one and i hope to meet more.^^