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Member Since 24 Sep 2010Offline Last Active Apr 02 2011 05:19 AM
About Me
My friends call me Minila.
I have never played NiGHTS into Dreams but I have made it my goal to play it. I have only played JoD.
I'm a major NiGHTS fan ever since I started played JoD. Then, as the dork I am, I looked into the game online. I found TRiPPY and DiGi's site and then I was even more of a fan.
I create plenty of Maren artwork that I post on deviantart.
I'm such a NiGHTSy fan that I started creating my own fanmarens like any other NiGHTS fan probably would. I made some for my friends too. We would even make our own Dream places.
I really like NiGHTS, Reala, and Jackle. I mean I know that I haven't played NiD but I do like Jackle. I feel bad that he wasn't in JoD.
Another example of why I'm a NiGHTS fan is that my ringtone is "The Mantle" (Jackle's theme song from NiGHTS into Dreams)
I do play other videogames... but JoD tops most of them all. So eventually I do play JoD.
I'm starting to sound like a dork now.... so.....
It's cool to be in the NiGHTS community now.
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 16
- Profile Views 6838
- Member Title Lurker
- Age 33 years old
- Birthday November 5, 1991
West Coast USA
i like to play lots of videogames, and i mean A LOT.<br />i love to listen to music. i go everywhere with my ipod.<br />i love drawing....dreaming....singing..... and photoshoping. lol