So, apparently you guys had something to do with this game getting a re-release. If that's true, I offer my thanks not only to the team behind the port but to you as well. Anyways, I am just so glad to be able to play this game after what, 16 years? As a kid I always wanted to play this, but I never had a Saturn or knew anyone who did.
So I'm just ecstatic that after so long I can finally have a chance to experience this lost piece of my childhood. I enjoyed the Wii game very much, but even that just made me want to play the original even more.
This may be a silly question, given where I am, but is anyone here in the same boat as me? >_> Will the HD remake be anyone else's first time playing the original Nights? Probably not, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
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Member Since 18 Sep 2012Offline Last Active Oct 13 2012 01:42 PM