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Member Since 02 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 22 2010 12:15 AM

In Topic: Bizzare dreams

22 June 2010 - 12:15 AM

last night i had a really weird dream, i was walking in a dirt street and saw a plane falling far away, it fell and blew up, then i saw another one closer, it passed by some times and then landed, a door opened and i saw some people going out of it, that was all

In Topic: The Night Dimension

21 June 2010 - 10:26 PM

i would create two dreams, with the white ideya, an atlantis-like dream with water floating around and sea animals statues and ,with the blue ideya, a technological city with lots of circuits that could carry me around, data of my memories on special screens(nerdy, i know)

In Topic: What would you want in a new NiGHTS game?

21 June 2010 - 10:21 PM

more serious reasons for a nightmare like losing someone special, being serioulsy sick or something like that and maybe some special use for the ideya

In Topic: Wizeman's Origins

06 March 2010 - 11:29 PM

from what i see,nightopia was created when the living beings on earth began to have feelings and to sleep,from then on,the feelings of the beings came to variations,thus,creating the bad feelings,when it happened,instead of creating worlds,the bad feelings created a being in the non-used part of the night dimension,this being hadn't a specific shape,when the humans got inteligence enough to try to dominate each other,the being created by the bad feeling started to get those ideas along with the bad energy,the more the living beings on earth hated,the more the being grew stronger,it got inteligence,learned about the night dimension,used a part of it to create its dark reign and tried to destroy the good feelings so it would have power enough to breakits way to the earth,seeing that it still coudn't steal those feelings so easely,it created servants to do that work

i konw,i know,it's too long but it's the way i see it

In Topic: Ever encounter NiGHTS?

06 March 2010 - 10:11 PM

i dreamt about NiGHTS twice(at least from the dreams i remember)in the first time,i was looking for some kind of dream drops that i ate(i know,that sounds weird),i even flew around a tower that looked like bellbridge's clock tower,then,i got one of those from a boy,but he wanted some mask in return,i asked NiGHTS for one,he gave me a persona and i gave ti to the boy.
in the second time,i dreamt i saw NiGHTS fighting reala,NiGHTS kicked reala in the face,made him hit the ground head first and kicked him to a wall while reala was laying on the ground,dizzy,reala got up and punched NiGHTS three times,knocked him down and tried to paraloop him making a giant circle,NiGHTS drill dashed reala,threw him to the middle of the room and paralooped him with a giant circle,making him hit the sort of roof in that room
both of the dreams were crazy,but i think the first one was better because i was flying alone