It's about time I joined the forums really! I remember I used to check the site quite a bit yeeeeears ago while it was still being constructed, back when I was a member of Sonic CulT. From 2005 I kind of drifted away from the Sonic and SEGA-related communities though, until Sonic Generations reeled me back in last year. I actually spoke briefly to TRiPPY at the Eurogamer Expo last year, where she was looking after the Sonic Generations area, having no idea that she was the famous NiGHTS fan and artist from DeviantArt!
As for NiGHTS, I've been a big fan since receiving my Saturn in '96. I wouldn't know where to begin if I were to describe what about it was so captivating... The concept, character design, art direction and gameplay all shone so brightly. It's one of those SEGA franchises that, like Sonic, sits high on my list of key inspirations for my own ideas.
Various cameos over the years, like those in the Dreamcast Sonics reminded me of my love for the character until Wii's Journey of Dreams came along. Unfortunately I was of those fans left sorely disappointed by it. Still, its release at least meant that NiGHTS hadn't been relegated to cameos alone like a lot of other SEGA franchises, so there's hope that we'll see more of it in the future.
Speaking of which, I was so elated when the HD version of the original was announced! I hear I have you guys to thank for that, so thank you all so very much. =] Of course there's also All Stars Racing Transformed to look forward to, and not only NiGHTS as a racer to be hyped for, but Reala, Spring Valley and cameos from Wizeman, Gillwing and Puffy! Amazing stuff.
So yeah, I'm trying to become more active within communities now so hopefully I'll get know you guys in the near future! I noticed there are some PSO fans here as well... I wonder if many are you are playing the JP sequel at the moment as well.
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Member Since 10 Jul 2012Offline Last Active Aug 21 2013 02:04 PM