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Member Since 08 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 12 2012 04:28 PM

Is this the real life? Is this... just fantasy?

09 July 2012 - 07:54 PM

Introductory topic ho!

Well, it's about time I become more acquainted with this side of the SEGA fanbase... and I think it'll be one that I'll downright enjoy.

Hello everyone! The name's VizardJeffhog, or Vizard, or Jeffhog, whichever you wish to use. Sonic fans in particular know me as one of the staff members on The Sonic Stadium, as well as Sonic Wrecks. On the former, I've also led the community's first music album, and the second one is in the works!

Unlike a good chunk of you, I hadn't really grown up with SEGA consoles; by the time I've become acquainted with Sonic when I was young, SEGA had gone third party. So, as an extension, I wasn't at all familiar with NiGHTS, save the couple of cameos in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle.

It wasn't until Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut that I became more acquainted with the androgynous flying jester of dreams in the Casinopolis level. If I weren't in for the Dilapidated Way, I'd be going for rings and rings and rings in NiGHTS' pinball stage. The music, the environment, the characters (on the collectable cards), as well as the incentive to pick up Ideya in the stage really added to the fun and replay value for me.

Then I've gotten one of those Sonic 2-in-1 combos on the GBA, both games being the only two Sonic games I haven't played on the system (let's not speak of that horrid port of the Genesis debut...): Sonic Advance and Sonic Pinball Party. One of the three leads? NiGHTS again! 8D And that was another game mode I've played to death, as I've gotten a much better Ideya *zing* idea of the NiGHTSverse, and holy crap, that Vs. Reala theme. HNNNNGH. <3

Finally, Sonic Riders had NiGHTS as a playable character for once, and (s)he became my go-to Flying character.

As of late, however, I've been meaning to get into the series more. I once read all of the Archie NiGHTS comics online years and years ago, and now that the first game in the series is being rereleased with all the hype, giddiness, and happiness (looking at you, TRiPPY!)... well, I've caught the NiGHTS bug!

Hope to become better acquainted with everyone here! :D