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Member Since 08 Jul 2012Offline Last Active Jul 12 2012 04:28 PM
About Me
Drawn by the wonderful Talespirit on deviantART!
Hello, my dearest guest! Welcome to my humble profile! Please, please, sit, make yourself at home!
I am VizardJeffhog, pleased to make your acquaintance.
Let us make sweet, passionate music together.
-Head of the Sonic Stadium Music Album
-The Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012: Episode Battle
-TSSnet Staff and Writer
-Sonic Wrecks Staff and Writer
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 1
- Profile Views 4167
- Member Title Newbie
- Age 31 years old
- Birthday October 2, 1993
Maple Leaf Valley Zone
- Website URL http://board.sonicstadium.org/user/3291-vizardjeffhog/
- Skype jeffhog
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