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Member Since 29 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 12 2012 02:04 AM

In Topic: NiGHTS Reference in Rhythm Thief

03 September 2012 - 01:25 AM

Oh yeah, I see what you mean.. interesting

WAIT! Ohtani-san is composer for Rhythm Thief! He worked on JoD! IT ALL BECOMES CLEAR

Oh. I didn't know that. XD It does make sense now. ^^ That's good to take note of. Maybe that's why one of the tracks sounds like it starts off like Dreams Dreams to me. XP I love finding connections to NiGHTS. X3

In Topic: NiGHTS Reference in Rhythm Thief

02 September 2012 - 02:14 PM

o_o I didn't know about this one and the game was in the office. Shweeet.

lol. Nice. I just thought it would be nice to share this easter egg. I mean, the Samba De Amigo and Space Channel 5 ones are fairly obvious, since there's two rhythm games based on each, but not many people would notice the NiGHTS one, since it's only a short sound clip. ^^ So, since the game was in the office, did you get to see it in person? XD

I wish I had a 3DS so I could play it!

3DS is nice to have. I have the special Zelda edition that I got bundled with a copy of Ocarina of Time 3D. If you do get one, Rhythm Thief is relatively cheap compared to other 3DS games, probably because it's a stand-alone title (though it hints greatly at a sequel) and a lot of the people who play rhythm games were probably more drawn to Theatrhythm, since the two were released within a week of each other, at least in America.

In Topic: NiGHTS Reference in Rhythm Thief

02 September 2012 - 02:46 AM

Cool, wonder if there is video of this online somewhere..

Well, there are plenty of videos, just not any that showcase the sound. Though, there's a bit of talking over it, this video (www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCq_ievBP9o) has the sound in it. It's at about 14:14 in the video. I don't know of any better quality sound of it, except if you were to play the game yourself.