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Member Since 24 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 15 2010 12:22 PM

Hello their man.....new troll here?

24 July 2009 - 01:18 AM

Hi, nice to meet ya!
Some quick info about me, what I do and stuff.

My real name is Daniella but gos with the nicknames Danni, Gaja or Miss.
I´m 18 ( like you could´t see that on my profile) and growing older.
I´m from Sweden so my English is not that good yet.
Got short dark brown hair, boring gray/green eyes and pierced nose.*yawn*

What I like: Man, I like do many stuff.
I draw scarps and arts everyday like many other artists, play video games, like to eat food, dancing (even if I´m no good), singing for myself, chatting and talk about random things, sewing.
I have just stared to cosplaying like many others I knew and have watch.
Bhaaa.....and I´m playing Warcraft even if it´s not good for me.XD

Don´t like: I hate people who call me emo, be lonely, beans, mean people, eurovision song contest, people who complains too much and everything.

I stared to like NiGHTS after have played Sonic Riders and watch the old game on youtube.
But the sad thing is that I have´t play none of the real games yet.
Hope I can do that in the future.

Anyhow, I thing that was all for me.
Feel free to ask me something or just comment.
See ya!<3


12 June 2009 - 04:09 AM

Sega have finally made my wish come true.<3
I´m so gonna buy this game. :D
And guess who will be my next cosplay after NiGHTS?( I love things with lots of details)
Her´s suit is made of her´s own demon dark hair, so lovely.

Find more info here, Bayonetta´s home side +18 http://www.sega.com/...etta/index2.php

I´m gonna try to download upp some more info for they who want to hear more.



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Random art Scraps.

09 May 2009 - 07:54 AM

I´m pretty bored so I´m going loading up some random scraps arts I have draw.
Please tell me how you like them. :(

Draw my OC bunny Lulu playing beachball for my boyfriend.
(Dunno why but I can´t draw anymore on msn. :lol: )
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Played Rayman raving Rabbids again.<3
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Rolf! I draw me and my boyfriend as Angry Beavers.
Still loveing they´s program.
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OMGZ! I love this picture so much.<3
Draw my team Starquest cosplay as chibi Rikku, Yuna and Paine from Kingdom Hearts 2.
Rikku-Hope © AilwynRaydom from Deviantart.com
Paine-Midori © Me
Yuna-Sushi © Chibiami-chan from Deviantart.com
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NiGHTS shoes problem

03 May 2009 - 10:35 PM

I was planed to stark working with the NiGHTS suit after the Bridget cosplay but need some tips and help.:/
I´m going to have a zipper on the back and next put on the waistcoat like normal jacked.
But dunno how I should make the shoes so I can put them on easily and go in them.
Plez, do you got some good tips to help me?

I draw this ref REALLY fast.

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Will put some more info here how I´ll make the suit later.

(Sorry again for my bad English)

Info about Playstation4.

30 April 2009 - 05:42 PM

Yay! :P
I got the new nr of the game magazine LeveL.( I´m getting the new nr before it comes to the store)
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And I can´t believe that they already have designed a new PlayStation.
This is just a test model how the new consoles maybe will look.
LeveL are curious for news about Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft plans and have ask some few questions.

More info coming soon?

Ekkkkkkk.....give me some coffee. O.o I have to stop being tired and write more.