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Scott Marcs

Scott Marcs

Member Since 19 May 2007
Offline Last Active Aug 22 2007 08:24 PM

Scott is in da house now!

19 May 2007 - 02:01 PM

Hi. Before I say anything, I'd like you to know that Scott Marcs is not my real name. It's a secure internet name that I invented so that nobody can look me up. Now that thats out of the way I'd like to tell you that I'm new to the whole NiGHTS thing. I joined the forums because I am bidding on a Saturn off Ebay now and am going to buy NiGHTS if I win it. I heard that it's really good, and I even got to sleep early one night just by thinking of the character. I also had a good sleep last night because NiGHTS made me think about the wonders of flying before I hit the sack. I hope that I'll be playing NiGHTS before the summer starts. I just have one question. I if win the auction I'll only have enough money to buy NiGHTS without the 3D controller, but I can always buy it seperate later off of Amazon. Is it still worth it without the controller?