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Member Since 14 May 2007
Offline Last Active May 27 2008 02:23 AM

NiGHTS review scores are coming in

05 December 2007 - 12:34 PM

So while doing the usual rounds through NeoGAF (No, I don't post there, but it is a great place for info!) I've seen the review scores for Famitsu and Dengeki, so how does it fare? Is NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams a great game, or is it some lacklustre effort that will cause the very Earth to imploded into a tiny billion pieces?

I'm going to use this as a sort of review complition topic, get more then 70%, its going places, get less...well let us not talk about that.


Famitsu (They give four scores out of a 100)


Source - The-Magicbox

Dengeki (They give three scores out of a 100)

Source - Go Nintendo


Be interesting to see how it turns out here in the West, I shall keep you lot updated (And the topic) just how well its going down with the review scores if I bump into any more in the coming days.

SEGAnerds Preview

04 December 2007 - 09:19 PM

Hi there guys, SEGAnerds have got a new preview up when our lucky (git) admin visited SEGA of Europe, so how did the game hold up? well its got a lot of good and bad, certain things are bad (Such as the children, the actually models for them) though certain things have been improved (Such as the Wii control) lag for one player and two player is non-existent and the side mission are fun!

Check out the preview here!

Hope you guys enjoy it!

New NiGHTS: JoD videos at IGN

23 November 2007 - 12:36 AM

Whilst some of you may have already seen the Gamespot videos, IGN just recently put up a good few various videos of their own showcasing the mirror castle stage and the multiplayer aspect, as well as other videos featuring Donbalon and the cast boss, who's name escapes me right now. Anyway enjoy these new videos, I have to admit I'm really liking the look of the Castle stage. All in all I do believe they've uploaded 11 videos, though only the multiplayer and castle stage is "new" content.

New NiGHTS videos

(And yes, I hope this isn't old news...)

EDIT: Also GAH! I typed in JiD instead of JoD, the force is weak in this one.