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Member Since 14 May 2007
Offline Last Active May 27 2008 02:23 AM

In Topic: IGN JoD Review

19 December 2007 - 01:19 PM

Guys, its just one persons opinion. What truly does matter is if YOU liked the game, I've liked plenty of games that have gotten low review scores, while disliked some that have had high review scores. Though reading the review made me think they were going to give a something like a high 7, not a 6.5, mind you!

In Topic: New Journey of Dreams review

14 December 2007 - 04:08 PM

Well it does seem to get some bad fan reviews, though average customer reviews on the Japanese Amazon site is four out of five stars, some people obvioulsy hate it going as low as one star, while others seem to like it, giving it five stars, quite preplixing. Though people who do hate this game, really hate this game.

Hmmm I really didn't want the year to end like this, good game after good game, it would seem only natural that NiGHTS would be one of those good games, real shame. Still I’ll try it out for myself when it comes out in Europe.

In Topic: NiGHTS: JoD on Gamespot On the Spot

07 December 2007 - 02:35 AM

Just thought I should alert you but the On the Spot has been put onto their servers, watching it now and the new level looks great. I'm really loving where this game has came along to, ah must make sure this game is a success, must, must, MUST!

In Topic: NiGHTS: JoD on Gamespot On the Spot

07 December 2007 - 01:38 AM

Damn I missed it, oh well Gamespot should have it on their servers soon I suppose, I'll wait for it until then. Thanks for the find Apti!

In Topic: SEGAnerds Preview

06 December 2007 - 11:58 AM

uhmm...are you referring to the same Neogaf that has an official page up and is currently busy fapping over this game and the original? a guy got banned in there merely for saying the old game looked ugly. Gaffers have their concerns, same as this forum, but in general they are very much pro-NJOD.

No, me and Mac (I Hope you don't mind me calling you that Machenstein!) are talking about the Famitsu reviews topic where everyone is branding SEGA to be crap simply because NiGHTS got a low score and Phantasy Star Portable is Phantasy Star Universe, not Phantasy Star Online.

But the official topic as I mentioned, isn't so much "SEGA SUXS!" if any at all, that member Segata Sanshiro has done a good job of well...not having any trolls in the topic.