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Member Since 05 May 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 29 2009 01:23 PM

In Topic: Subtle NiGHTS reference

04 April 2009 - 01:39 PM

Yes, it's Magic Knight Rayearth, and in this screenshot, Hikaru (the red head) is referring to the odd structure in front of her which vaguely resembles an Ideya Capture. It was such a neat reference to NiGHTS that I just had to post it.

In Topic: A couple mepian pics I got

29 September 2008 - 10:11 AM

Here are a few I've found...

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There are a few more on my web. It's at http://members.shaw.ca/peter.malek/ .

I have also found a file of images I used to keep of the different types of Pian eggs (each nightmaren would produce either a standard Pian egg or a variant, depending on if the head of the hatchling was that of a Pian or of a Mepian. I will be adding these to my web sometime in the near future.

In Topic: A couple mepian pics I got

27 September 2008 - 04:27 AM

I have some King Pian pics I shall upload shortly...

I used to keep a file of Mepian pics, and had lots of different variations, but dang, I can't find the file. It's too bad, because there was the odd Badpian there too.