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Member Since 27 Jun 2011Offline Last Active Oct 30 2021 04:12 PM
About Me
Hello there, my name is Alex. My NiGHTS experience actually began in 1999 with Sonic Adventure (my number 1 favorite game of all time) and the Casinopolis Pinball, I didn't know much about NiGHTS at the time of course, and for a while I didn't pay it much notice, that is until 2004 with the release of Sonic Pinball Party. After playing the NiGHTS pinball minigame, my interest was at it's height, so I later decided to buy the game along with a SEGA Saturn in order to play it. Before I'd played the game, my idea of what NiGHTS was was quite unusual, I'd believed that Claris and Elliot were elemental warriors alongside NiGHTS who fought evil in the dream world XD I sure had quite the imagination back then!
When I played the game, I realised it was no ordinary game at all, and the sense of mystique and beauty captivated me. The series is something of a two-sided series for me, while I absolutely loved the Nightopias, the Nightmare bossfights scared me quite a bit. Despite having played and enjoyed both main games in the series, I am more interested in the fandom and the way people design their OCs, Nightmaren are beautiful creatures, and they really allow artists to show their creativity in ways that other fandoms cannot. If anyone has any fanmaren to show me, it will be my pleasure to see them! I have a number of NiGHTS fancharacters (moreso than any other franchise) and I hope I can make them a part of the NiGHTS fan community.
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 37
- Profile Views 9158
- Member Title Lurker
- Age 33 years old
- Birthday September 28, 1991
North Wales
Sonic, NiGHTS, Pokémon, Zelda, drawing, gaming, writing
- MSN [email protected]
- Website URL
- Skype xelazoraalex