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Member Since 25 Apr 2007Offline Last Active Sep 14 2013 09:58 AM
Profile Feed
Zero-Shift → Purgatory
Happy Birthday Purg! Don't think I forgot about you. Also hope that Behelit hasn't started an eclipse yet.
Jan 18 2010 01:45 AM
Dex la Cabra → Zero-Shift
well dont i feel like a fool, you added me as a friend ages ago and i've only just noticed D: imma add you too!
Jan 05 2010 12:04 AM
Level 99 → Zero-Shift
Ah, only a few months more and we can finally hang out and nerd it up at AD2010. What's first on the to-do list once I get into town? :P
Nov 30 2009 07:15 PM