I've been on DeviantArt for a while, so anything past this first picture isn't necessarily new (as in, dated around 2004/5). Just thought I'd update with...well, an art update (hush, it's late for me. My brain conked out hours ago...)
Mostly I use traditional mediums, but sometimes I like to bash things out on OpenCanvas or Photoshop (both of which I'm still getting the hang of).
I'm babbling. Again.
Latest artwork:
Quick doodle of Jackle done in OpenCanvas, with colour lovingly slopped on via Photoshop. In keeping with the name on DeviantArt, here's that Cheshire Maren:
With a grin like that, I think he might eat someone's face off. Sketch done from memory, so one or two things may be off. Oh well <3
Scrappy artwork:
::26/5:: A copy and paste description from DA: Quick sketch at work done in horribly, horribly light pencil. Hence the severe butchering and darkening of the lines here (my poor scanner couldn't even see the thing).
Faffing about with Reala again, who currently looks like he had the living snot beaten out of him, and he's none too happy with that.
Unfinished, though I might do a cleaner version in the future.
Preview artwork:
No current work.
Previous artwork:
26/05: r e a l a
21/05: NiGHTS: The angry posing nancy
18/05: Reala sketch-in-progress. The lineart at least
12/05: Malicious Dancer
The rest (my older artwork), I'll just provide the DA links to.
SPiKES Fanart for CrystalGal23
U.V.NiGHTS Fanart (one of my better pieces)
U.V.NiGHTS - Tearing Me
Don't look at me (that's the title, not a warning btw)
Random itty-bitty sketch
MSN Chat Doodle
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Chan Kaylore
Chan Kaylore
Member Since 03 May 2007Offline Last Active Dec 25 2009 11:48 AM