I-Is it time for me to delurk now!? Aaah, hello everybody! *wave* I'm new, "please treat me kindly", "don't eat me"♥
... but despite delurking, there's just too much for me to comment coherently on right now. I need a bit to absorb all this awesome in. XD; Waugh. It's really looking good so far~ it seems very true to the original. (I am a bit concerned about some things others have mentioned here and there though. Like framerate/graphics and such, but there's still a few months until the game is released, so I'm optimistic.)
And I wonder about the point of the dolphin persona right now. Since as it was mentioned and seen earlier, that someone went underwater as regular NiGHTS without much effect. (Does he speed up underwater as a dolphin or so? Hmm...)
Until I can fully collect myself, I'll at least leave one last comment on this new video of "Puffle/Phuckle/Phackle/...what-are-we-calling-it?": Its name has been revealed in the hint! Apparently it's something along the lines of "Donbalon" or "Donpalon". (I can't make out that katakana, is it バ or パ?) (And the hint is simple enough, it's basically: "Use the Touch Dash to push Donbalon to the top!")
I-I'll go back to lurking now, I-I just had to get some fangirling, "eee!"-ing, and opinions out. *slips back into the shadows*
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Member Since 30 Apr 2007Offline Last Active Apr 06 2008 03:53 PM