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Member Since 29 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Oct 21 2007 03:21 AM

I draw things

02 May 2007 - 05:43 AM

I figure I may as well just post all my stuff up at once, since I'm sporadic with my devart gallery and I guess it's probably just easier this way.

old old old

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I draw teeth YOU'LL NEVER STOP ME.

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...somehow I managed to mess up the horns.

I don't want to mess up your screens, so text links only this time. D:
Reala for Mary!
Jackle for DB!

...there are some other things, but I don't think I have them up in my photobucket account. I'll edit them in later.


02 May 2007 - 05:20 AM

I'm generally not one for intro posts, but there's a whole subforum and I guess it's better than sneaking back in and I-I-I hay guyz I'm back.

Anyway, I'm Umber, and have always been Umber, or at least since I was...geez, I think 13? Maybe 12?It used to be Land Umber, like from Seiken Densetsu III but then shortened to dissociate origin because I felt lame but didn't want to to come up with a whole new name. THE MORE YOU KNOW. I am an 18-going-on-19 United States-person!

Hm. I like video games and comics and cartoons and books and dreaming and rahrahrahhhdklsdjf, I didn't really know much about NiGHTS or get very involved with any of its communities until, um, I think a couple years ago. I've always been a Nintendo devotee since I was a wee Umber playing Dr. Mario on the NES, and while I did and still have my Genesis my brother and I sort of skipped the Saturn and Dreamcast at that round of the Great Console Wars. But I remember NiGHTS when it came out and having my dreams crushed by that awful egg-clock when I demoed it at the malls, and when I was in highschool it came up in conversation and in a fit of nostalgia and curiousity I looked it up and did some fanart and wound up buying an old Saturn with the game and started playing it. I've barely improved since when I was 8 *tear*.

Besides the minor nostalgia, I think conceptially the game is absolutely magical and I think Sega did an amazing job of the freeness of flying with what was available at the time. I phrase it like that because I am way exuberant about what they will do with the Wii. Eeee the Wii. Also DREAMS DREAMS COME ON THE CONCEPT IS PURE GENIOUS.

OH YES. ...I am also a master of retarded oekaki and I draw thingsss.

I'm basically just vomiting on my keyboard right now and I don't really know what else to say. I am primarily a lurker and sneak in and out of threads. I am frequently unintentionally anti-social and GENERALLY DO NOT SOUND THIS NICE. But have a nice day!