A random return to NiGHTSintodreams.com and a quick look at the community tab thing brought "WOOT FORUM'S BACK?!!" to my mind.
...Then I came here. Yo, people.
According to the Guidelines thing, I should tell about myself, but not TOO much. Well... ... ...I'm Xanit. And I'm actually pretty happy at the moment. Aaaaand the reason I like NiGHTS so much is that I once had a Sega Saturn... I believe I played the game once, a few times, then... my father gave away the Saturn instead of money. So... I totally forgot about NiGHTS... And a few many (5-7) years later, I came back into contact with the game and its wonderful characters... Broken memories returned to me... I remembered what I think is Gillwing and the music when selecting a level. Hearing that music again brough tears to my eyes... Anyway, I became fascinated with NiGHTS and dreams, and I still am now. ...Uh, I wrote a lot. *END*
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Member Since 29 Apr 2007Offline Last Active Oct 15 2007 08:25 AM