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Project Nike

Project Nike

Member Since 27 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 02 2009 04:33 AM

P.N. Hello

27 April 2007 - 10:39 PM

Hello to you all my name is ************** the IV, however; I like to preferred on here by the name of Project Nike or simply either Nike or Project, whatever you like that is appropiate name you can call me.

I happen to be a NiGHTS fan for about 2-3 years now. I also happen to be a Megaman fan. I like video games, drawing, anime, painting, manga, music, t.v., the internet, and women that are my age. Oh and I like writing now since I'm wrighting a book now, and crafts such as the stamp I did thats on the site.

I hate rap, hip hop, ingnorant people, terrorist, G.W.B.jr, Halo series, X-box, those apple computer commercials with the two guys, horrible american football movies, horror movies, bill lumberg from accounting, my older and little brothers, country music, G4 tv, my mother, Cars that try to be "pimped out" uhmm... I think thats about it.

I do know what else to say. strange since I used to be on so many forms you think I know the routine about now.