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Member Since 27 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2008 06:47 AM

In Topic: why don't people want it?

19 February 2008 - 02:09 PM

Anyone have official sales data of how well or poorly JoD has sold?

In Topic: JoD was (is) amusing...

08 February 2008 - 11:00 AM

Simply put: It's my game of the year.

I enjoyed it immensely, even the silly, in-game cutscenes I enjoyed. I enjoyed the story telling, which I think opened up the NiGHTS Universe to us a lot more and on a whole new scale.

Characters were fantastic:

-Reala, amazing. Typical bad ass.
-Wizeman, played PERFECTLY. Awesome voice acting for Wizeman.
-NiGHTS, voice acting was a bit meh, but there were time I enjoyed it.
-Owl, OH OHH!!! Love it lol.

The chase missions were great, and I appreciate the way they've changed up the score attacks now, which I find pretty fantastic. I even enjoyed the other missions and platforming with the kids, all fun to me.

The nostalgia factor was huge and I LOVED it. Absolutely LOVED it.

Fantastic game, fantastic sequel.

Obviously, there were shortcomings, and I hope, that if we do get a sequel, that they take the time to polish it.

In Topic: Amazingly Cool new NiD T-Shirts

30 January 2008 - 11:23 AM

that first t shirt is gorgeous

edit: i may just re-design that myself and get a tshirt printed :)

In Topic: What control scheme do you prefer?

30 January 2008 - 11:20 AM

GC and Wiimote on it's own. I find it super smooth to play with the wiimote, and I'm able to do some fast directional actions, which I dig. Feels good to me.

In Topic: Has anyone else got 999 links in Pure Valley?

29 January 2008 - 12:02 PM

999? holy crap lol. i can barely get over 50 lol.
