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Member Since 04 May 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 20 2011 01:54 AM

About Me

Well my username is MoonlightDewz but call me MiDZ for short, it's easier.


I found out about NiGHTS 12 years ago (I was 12) when my younger brother bought a Sega Saturn with the NiGHTS into Dreams demo disk. As I sat there watching him play I thought "Wow, NiGHTS is really cool. :P" and the rest was history. We bought the game shortly after that.


NiGHTS has remained in our minds for 12 years and is still going strong. Recently, thanks to this board, my brother and I recently decided to start playing NiGHTS again, even though our Sega Saturn is super old.


On the more personal side my favorite character in the NiGHTS series is NiGHTS followed closely by Reala. I have only played NiD because I don't have a Wii and therefore haven't played JoD but I hear that it's awesome.


My strongest Ideya (if I had one) would be green for growth and wisdom because I am very mature.


I have a deviantart site (check my profile please), a youtube account, and a fanfiction.net account.


I like to use smileys. ^_^


I also would like to thank Jof for letting me onto this forum. Thank you Jof! ^_^


Well that's about it. I'm happy to meet and join all of you in the NiGHTS fandom.

Community Stats

  • Group Visitor
  • Active Posts 22
  • Profile Views 5372
  • Member Title Lurker
  • Age 37 years old
  • Birthday April 25, 1987
  • Gender
    Female Female
  • Interests
    Writing, reading, playing NiGHTS into Dreams

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