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Member Since 25 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 21 2013 07:31 PM

In Topic: "Sonic Colors" announced!

10 August 2010 - 07:33 AM

I was so pleased at the 12th release date over here, hahaha.

I had a go of this at Summer of Sonic, it was of course the E3 demo, so nothing new had been added from the countless pieces of footage online, but I know now that it plays really smoothly, and it looks gorgeous *_*

In Topic: Summer of Sonic 2010

08 August 2010 - 08:11 PM

Indeed, apart from dying from the heat (being in my costume was bad enough, I envy Tavington's bravery with that Sally one!), it was absolutely amazing.

I loved seeing many more international fans too this year, I ended up chatting to one of the C40 fanclub as we were in the Colours queue (more like a rabble), and even though these guys were mostly there for them, they were all really excited for the games too XD

The amount of people that will just wander around and talk to you (including one REALLY enthusiastic Shadow fangirl, who was cute and shy when she wasn't being OMG SCREAMING LOUD) is wonderful. And quite frankly, Sonic fans together in one room is a lot more bearable than the internet, everyone's really polite and nice to eachother :)

It is well worth coming, and I KNOW next year's is going to be epic. Though I'm not expecting it to be free, it'll be worth it!

Incidentally, if anyone went and got photos of my cosplay (the fluffy Blaze with white sleeves, not the short one with the far better jewel XD) do let me know :)

In Topic: Summer of Sonic 2010

20 July 2010 - 09:07 AM

To anyone going to Summer of Sonic, registrations are open now- http://www.summerofs...ns-are-now-open

I'm going ^_^ Might wear my blaze hairpiece this year, since... uh... my Silver wig is tangled beyond all recognition. YOU CANNOT RETIRE YET, BLAZE, MUAHAHAHAH

In Topic: NiGHTs: Lucid Dreaming - OC ReMix arrangement project

05 July 2010 - 11:46 AM

FlyBy is pretty damned awesome, I know I went Oooooooo when I heard it, nice work level 99 :D

I can't wait until the project is complete, it's going to be awesome :(

In Topic: Feniiku's NiGHTSY stuff of doom

05 July 2010 - 10:44 AM

Since today is NiGHTS' 14th birthday, have a quite frankly terrifying 8D faced maren XD

Posted Image NiGHTS 14