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I remember in Lost Park, I ran Will all the way up that tower thing where the Dreamdrop is. I had him jump off it from the very top. ^^; (On the plus side, it shook all the Awakers off!)
Well, today is Friday! I get to play laser tag tomorrow, and hopefully get some sewing done. I'm so excited because the family is venturing to DC this year to see the cherry blossoms, and I want to wear my hand-made kimono as well. So far I haven't had too many difficulties, especially since it's silk that actually was made/brought back for me from Japan.
I know how you feel- my first con was two years ago, with an attendance record of over 25,000 people. I didn't know what I was doing either, so I hope I can help you!
My major tip, if you want to do ANYTHING besides shop around:
As soon as you get a schedule, mark panels that you might be interested in going to. Make sure you leave food time, at least an hour! Anything and everything, even if there's only a remote interest.
Revise it then, and figure out when things like photoshoots you wanted to be at conflict. Decide who wants to go where, and get that sorted out (if you're with friends, it's probably easier to stick together, since it's your first con and all.)
As soon as it's finalized, mark the rooms on your map, and preferably put the time! Give yourself a good 5-10 minutes for picture stops and difficulties, so you can still get there. Sometimes you have to be early to get a seat (or even get into!) popular panels! You might want to be even earlier if you think it'll fill up.
I personally block out Dealer's Room/Artist Alley times too, it's helped my group a ton. Ever since I started blocking the schedule we were able to be on-time to twice as many panels and STILL make shoots! ^^