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Member Since 27 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 14 2008 12:40 AM

"The Pan and the Night" - NiGHTS and Beyond the Dream fanart

30 August 2007 - 01:17 PM

Posted Image

NiGHTS © to you know know XD
' Pan ', as I call him © Marissa Delbressine

Dream Recall

08 May 2007 - 12:13 PM

Dream Recall for me is sometimes easy, and like this morning, hard as heck. One method I use is when I wake up, I don't open my eyes and I lie there until I can recall as much of the dream as possible and immediately write it down in my journal before I forget again. But sometimes that doesn't work because I just can't remember, or I just don't have enough time in the morning (cause I'm still in school XD). :)

So I'd like to know: What's your method of Dream Recall? And what methods would you recommend? ^_^

Hello everyone, Im Ashashi

04 May 2007 - 11:48 PM

Hello~ My name's Asha. But I usually go by Ashashi or Obby sometimes on DeviantART. I like anime, NiGHTS of course, Sonic, writing, drawing and video game stuff. I'm not used to setting up things on forums like this and I hope I don't mess up on anything *newb* And I also hope to make alot of friends here now that the forums are back.

For alittle depth, I originally became interested in NiGHTS when a friend of mine showed me TRiPPY's deviantART gallery. After that, I fell in love with her art, did a little research on NiGHTS and boom, I loved it instantly (and a little while later I was lucky enough to get my hands on the game. Yay eBay!). As time progressed I was an off and on NiGHTS fan until I really dug up some dirt in how people interpreted the game. I read some of the points they made then I thought to myself "hey, I never saw it from that perspective" and I saw the game from a whole different light and ever since I've wanted to see NiGHTS in one of my own dreams. XD hasn't happened officially yet, but it's getting there. And to put it simply, I like NiGHTS into Dreams because its one of those games that you can take everywhere with you in a matter of speaking. Its a game that's not just there for entertainment but you know, a game to really get involved with in your own personal lives *sucks with description*

I hope to post some of my drawings here on the forums once I learn a little bit more about the posting system so I dont mess something up *obviously paranoid*

^^ Well I guess that's a good introduction of myself, and I hope to get better acquainted with everyone here ^_^