-cool CG intro-
The RP board lay still, as Wizeman watched its freshly-dead corpse begin to return to the ether of the Night Dimension. With an infinitely and impossibly loud snap of his god-like fingers, Reala appeared before him, already on a knee of subservience.
"Yes, my master?" he spoke, his s-es sizzling in his mouth for a moment before reaching the air, like a snake given the power of human speech. Wizeman the Wicked's voice boomed through the near-empty forum. Users grabbed their posts and scrambled into the shadows, in a feeble attempt to avoid their master's wrath.
"The Roleplaying Board has usefullness within its bones...but it has yet to find a purpose with which to bring that usefullness to life." the Nightmare God spoke, his voice somber and monotone. Reala turned, staring silently at the board, laying dead on the ground.
"Perhaps, my lord...a racing tournament," the Nightmaren hissed, clenching his fist, "Like the one that annoyingly cheerful hedgehog invited us to just recently." A few of Wizeman's great, iron hands came toward his creation, the eyes in the centers of their palms all examining both Reala and the dead Roleplaying Board on the ground. Within a few moments (although they seemed like hours to Reala), his creator released a sigh.
"It is a passable idea. Ring the bell.
Reala grinned, pleased that his idea had pleased his master. He flew straight up, his armor glinting in the scant light that invaded the NiGHTS into Dreams Forum. He grabbed the ancient, worn rope and pulled, the bell it was attached to ringing sweetly and angrily.
"Alright, you pitiful wastes of flesh," Reala howled, "The great Wizeman the Wicked is going to host a racing challenge! For everyone who wishes to join, although I imagine you'll fail miserably against the speed and agility of us upper-level Nightmaren."
And so it was declared, the opening of the NiGHTS and Forum All-Stars Racing Gran Prix!
The locales are many and varied, the racers just the same, and no one knows just what will happen next! Create your vehicle, choose your racer and All-Star move, and let the fun begin! Submit ideas for tracks, items, and etc.!
Here's the form:
Vehicle Description:
Strengths (Accel., Top Speed, Off-Road, Turning, Drifting):
Weaknesses (Same):
All-Star Move (Can be used once per race):
Quick Bio:
Alright, kids, remember, play fair. We will decide who wins each race after everyone involved has posted at least three times, back here. We'll put it to a vote (you're NOT allowed to vote for yourself). So essentially, the better your writing/racing skill and creativity, the better of a chance you'll win! Each poster can also elect to have a secondary NPC character, such as Jackle, Reala, NiGHTS, etc. to play as alongside their actual character. You will also be able to vote for these secondary characters.
Each win will net you 10 GP points. 2nd Place will get you 8, and so on. Each race needs at least 4 people to participate.
The cups are as follows, in order:
Purity Cup (White)
-Spring Valley (NiGHTS into Dreams...)
Everone is gathered at Spring Valley, where Claris's first dream took place. The beautiful scenery will distract you, but that's okay, because this course lets you take it nice and easy!
-Delight City (NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams)
Can someone say "Fun"?! Delight City is the place to be for Race #2, and the giant pool table and roulette wheels will have you jumping for joy after this fun course!
-Sunset Park (Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble)
For our first sojourn away from Nightopia, we're headed to Sunset Park, a beautiful vista from Sonic's world. Although much of the park seems to be mechanized, the metal shines beautifully in the orange sunset, creating a view of the lake below that you'll never forget! Watch out for that train, though...
-Mystic Forest (NiGHTS into Dreams...)
This mysterious forest is part ancient ruins, part parking garage! You'll never know what hit you if you let the secret room's ceiling come crashing down on your head, so you better hurry once someone activates the trap!
Growth Cup (Green)
-Courses Undecided (Help out by submitting ideas!)
Hope Cup (Yellow)
-Courses Undecided (Help out by submitting ideas!)
Wisdom Cup (Blue)
-Courses 1-3 Undecided (Help out by submitting ideas!)
-BellBridge (NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams)
This beautiful European city looks even more gorgeous under the moonlight and the bright, yellow light of the city lamps! It is prone to power-outtages, though, so be cautious...
Bravery Cup (Red)
Courses 1-3 Undecided (Help out by submitting ideas!)
-Twin Seeds (NiGHTS into Dreams...)
This is it! We've all been waiting for this! This race will decide who truly is the fastest in all of Nightopia. Watch out, though, because the city's still in pretty bad shape from NiGHTS into Dreams!
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Member Since 26 Apr 2007Offline Last Active Sep 29 2012 07:21 AM