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Member Since 08 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 07 2012 04:57 PM

Just my stuff

30 December 2008 - 07:02 PM

Just a marker drawing I did of Reala for a friend's Christmas gift. I know the cuteness is very wrong, but I couldn't resist! I know marker users are pulling their hair out over my attempts. I just recently started using them. I like to cut out my marker art and put it on scrap book paper sometimes. I know, it's silly!

Reala with cute pink skulls

Okay, that's enough lurking for now! Thought I'd toss up a few new pictures. A couple of fanmaren, if they're not allowed, I'll delete them. All links go to Deviant Art.

Faded Dream
Played with Reala's design after looking at so many different costume designs others draw of him.

Girlish Reala
Chibi Reala booty

Ragdoll Fanmaren

Iviv's Fanmaren


19 December 2008 - 09:33 PM

Hello, I go by Aero. I was just approved to join, though I've lurked on this board and TRiPPY's site for a long while now. I'm really into retro games, NiGHTS being one of my favorites. I don't own a Wii, so never played the JoD game. The cut scenes on you tube are pretty nice though. I'm very shy, so forgive me if I'm not very chatty. I love to draw, though I'm not that good. I hope It'll be just as enjoyable to participate as it was to lurk. :)