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Kid Caffeine

Kid Caffeine

Member Since 26 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 05 2008 02:18 PM

In Topic: Shoutout Messages

08 August 2007 - 05:12 AM

This is a shout out to everybody from a nobody. Look through the smoke and past the silly monkeys to taste a bit of lucky stardust falling from an ice-cream sunset that's melting away to reveal the frozen moon. Got it? Alright-okay.

In Topic: The NiGHTS Comics!

03 May 2007 - 06:52 PM

So.....Nightopians make honey? That would make some messed up sandwiches etc.

In Topic: The NiGHTS Comics!

03 May 2007 - 06:02 PM

As a kid, the comics were the first real exposure to NiGHTS that I had. Looking back, there is now a sort of hatred for them from many parties.

Myself....I have to give Archie some credit. It took some major nerve to take a gamble on creating a series based on what was even then basically and "underground cult" game. What's more, the game's story is actually pretty open, leaving plenty of room for a personal interpretation. So yes, the comics were a bit like a fan fiction and the art was a bit shakey in the last three, but the fact remains that the first three of the comics were actually pretty decent.

*prepares himsslf for onslaught