So my brain finally rang the bell and I've dug myself out. I suppose there's a whole new flood of people and after not being around for ages... Yeah. Hallo, am Ten, going by Lambency and AstralSight on some other sites, and ObscuredTempest on Twitter, Tumblr, and Steam. Actually popped into the comm back when was up on EZboards (or whatever it was called (was it that?)), but continuously disappearing for spans at a time despite loving the people around here. I am a ninja of sorts, you might say (and I am on coffee*). Lots of doodlescribbles and wordvomits come from my brains, usually fueled by whatever I've read, watched, have been listening to, or otherwise been involved with as of late. Erm. So yes. Y'allo.
* Which is something that is usually best kept away from Tens, as the species is notorious for not minding so much the caffeine as the amount of sugar that gets dumped in the coffee before it becomes palatable.
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Member Since 26 Apr 2007Offline Last Active Apr 04 2012 11:23 PM