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Member Since 12 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 10 2010 01:06 AM

What Dreams May Come

07 January 2010 - 07:43 AM

I guess it finally happened. After taking a break from NiGHTS for a while, I returned to my Saturn to find almost all of my data cleared from my Saturn's internal memory. It was almost endearing that only NiGHTS data (amongst Panzer Dragoon, Castlevania, and other treasured games) remained visible in the Memory Manager. Even so, loading up the game proved saddening at best as I found all of my scores to be bogus and lost in the ocean of 1's and 0's within the RAM. It's awfully depressing and I feel bad that I didn't take better care to have purchased a Back-up Cart earlier, but here I am.

I guess several of you are aware of the NiGHTS score-attacking resource which is ScoreAttack.net. It was an invaluable resource for those of us that found a thrill in taking the game's scoring system as far as we could, and it only served to attach me to the game that much more, you know? I guess that's why it hurts so much to lose it all, with only a couple old photographs to stand watch over days and nights of effort. Nothing ever lasts forever, I guess.

That doesn't mean I can't continue on in loving memory, though. Anybody else up for Shooting for the Stars in Twin Seeds with me? It took no less than a community before to encourage our designs, and I suspect it won't take any less if I'm to ever seriously score-attack the game again. Even if nobody wants to join me, can anybody offer any encouragement? I wish I could find a way to record my runs so that I could share them with others as some other members of ScoreAttack.net did... what would the best way to do this from real console hardware be? That alone would be enough fuel for me to at least make a scoring tribute for the game.

I recognize that a lot of people don't really admire the game for its scoring as much as they do the other thematics it presents, or the synergy between its music and world design, or the freedom it offers coupled with the flawless control in its flight. I found that all in NiGHTS as well, but in the same way some draw fan art or others write fiction in appreciation of NiGHTS, I put blood, sweat and tears into trying to master the purple jester's obstacle courses. It's a game I'll always treasure, and I hope it may live on in the hearts of those who know it forevermore.

Care to share any words / encouragement / stories / thoughts? Put it in here. I'd also like to take this time to thank Peter, Kraken, gsk, charlie, and Lance Way as being inspiration to experience the game and explore all of its nuances in an effort to put together some of the most amazing NiGHTS scores on the net.


P.S.: Even as NiGHTS faded from my Saturn's memory, it did so in good humor; Scores of 4213770 in Spring Valley and 7899274 in Soft Museum didn't fail to bring a smile to my face, even in spite of the morbidity of the whole affair. I guess NiGHTS is giving me something to shoot for in the countless hours yet to come.