Sign me up for a 3DS! I don't even care about the 3D (if it sucks, it can be turned off!). I want all those great games! Kid Icarus, Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 64 remakes, more Kingdom Hearts (!!!!), a new Paper Mario rpg, Metal Gear (remake or side dish?) (!), Mario Kart, and Chocobo Racing 3D! Plus the Kingdom Hearts announcement says "Final Fantasy series." Imagine the rage that would come from fanboys if the 3DS was what got the FFVII remake! I'd get it!
Kirby looks extremely AWWW and inventive. Probably takes after LittleBigPlanet visual design-wise, but I don't care. LBP isn't that fun anyway. Great to see Donkey Kong County return, and Epic Mickey looks interesting. Not sure how I feel about it at the moment. I think I've over hyped myself with it since its announcement. All of the Gamespot editors seem impressed, so I'm hopeful.
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Member Since 25 Apr 2007Offline Last Active Sep 03 2013 12:59 AM