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Member Since 15 Aug 2008Offline Last Active Oct 27 2008 07:49 AM
Why thank you! :)
Updated 17 Aug · 0 comments
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 17
- Profile Views 5579
- Member Title Lurker
- Age 39 years old
- Birthday April 19, 1985
The desert
Many types of art, including but not limited to: drawing, painting, computer art, graphic design, animation, sculpting, plushies, various other textiles, and beading; cartoons, fishing, trying exotic foods, the secret art of geocaching, videogames, philately, pen pal correspondence, music (Especially that of Pink Floyd, Styx, Beatles, Emerson Lake and Palmer, Loop Guru, and Yes), and playing piano.
ask and you shall recieve
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