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Member Since 06 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 12 2010 04:57 PM

My super smash bros brawl snapshots

08 December 2009 - 05:51 PM

Hello everybody it's been a while. I don't where this should go but these are screen shots so I'm putting it here. Like the title said I'm showing off my brawl pictures I've taken and stored on my wii. I'm sure Everyone knows how to put them on the computer by now, but I want to show off mine. The process I used made the edges kinda weird, but they work. so to begin I have two funny pictures that when brother and were playing took that we think are hilarious.

pic #1: http://i959.photobuc...3f868fff5d9.jpg

Caption: the hero slays the mighty dragon

pic #2: http://i959.photobuc...62acb32db20.jpg

caption: I see dead people

The next group of pictures I took in brawl trophy diorama mode some of these are pretty good in my opinion. These are kinda like like character tribute photos. For example I have samus and behind her is her ship. I provide the link to the album on my photobucket because I too lazy to post the links for all 18.

http://s959.photobuc.....aracter pics/

tell me what you guys think and if I should move this somewhere else thank you

Need help finding a walkthrough

15 June 2009 - 06:07 PM

OK here's the deal I recently bought lux-pain for the DS I saw in GI and it looked good. It's okay to me people are calling it an interactive manga. So I get to the end and I had the feeling you know ther one when the ending you see isn't the complete one and somewhere you screwed up. So I was looking for a walkthrough, but no luck so I'm asking you guys If you know where to look. Before anyone asks yes I checked gamefaqs and mycheats. So please I appreciate it and thanks

Resident Evil: The umbrella chronicles 2

21 May 2009 - 07:53 PM

I looked all over but no one had seemed to mention it. I read in my gameinformer magizine that they will be making a sequel to the first umbrella chronicles to cover RE2 and code veronica storylines.

Ign article

This is going to be on my watch list for this fall

Photoshop work

21 May 2009 - 03:19 PM

Hello there, Jeez haven't been here for a while. A college student life is very busy anyway I thought I show off some of photoshop work I did this year in college. These were made in photoshop CS3 or 4 I forget the first one is to make a surealist painting of an object I chose the ps2 console and stuck on the head of a robot. The second one was a 3 panel piece to described a song I chose "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" By Daftpunk I did like a battle robot or something. I know that these Are simplistic I'm still learning to create detail on photo shop but give me your thoughts.

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