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Member Since 18 May 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 28 2009 09:35 PM

In Topic: Write to Jackle

06 July 2008 - 03:14 AM

OMG THAT ROCKED!!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Cool impersonation!!! Lol, incest xD Sorry about that one, I still haven't played NJoD so, to me, they're all just comrades / ex-comrades... I'll be waiting for the Youtube version! Really amusing!!! Thanks a lot for this, it's been a great idea!!! And you bf really does a great Jackle! Lol! THE LAUGH!!! xDDD Made me laugh every time!

In Topic: What's a 'paternal horn', anyway?

28 June 2008 - 08:51 PM

Ah i forgot to say that the Japanese description for the actual song says its about Claris' dad too.

Oh, is there a place where we can read the original descriptions of the songs in the soundtrack? Maybe I missed it... I'd like to read that! =)

In Topic: The NiGHTS Font

28 May 2008 - 09:18 PM

I have it; give me a sec and I'll gladly upload it to a site :3.

Edit: I'm having a bit of trouble right now; i'll upload it when I can D:. Megauploads doesn't recognize it. Try this though; it says this is it uploaded.: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=08VVSGZU

Thanks a lot!!

In Topic: Write to Jackle

18 May 2008 - 09:40 PM

Dear Jackle,

My friend and I always used to say: "If you were invisible.. what would you NOT eat?" So, since you ARE invisible... what would your answer be? Do you use your invisibility to raid the fridge at night? Or even during the daylight? Wait... do you even eat at all?

What was the funniest thing you did, given your invisibility?

What would you dress like in Halloween?

Fangirl mode activated-
Do you find NiGHTS pretty? 8D
Fangirl mode deactivated-

BTW... Do you know how NiGHTS turned good?

About your job scaring little kids, do you recall any of the dreamers you met? Any anecdote you could tell us about them?

Have you ever worked in cooperation with another nightmaren? (Not that you would need any help of course. But maybe the rest could learn something from you, your awesomeness!)

In parties, do you tell jokes to call everyody's attention? Do you have any favourite joke?

And finally: Is your mantle the source of your power or you simply like it so much that you can't concentrate in battle whenever you lose it? Is there anything you want so much that you would be willing to trade your mantle for it?

Thank you, oh awesome one. Please kiss Reala and NiGHTS for me =D.
