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So, how did you get into NiGHTS?
Posted 25 April 2007 - 08:04 PM

With me, always wanted to play it when it was new, but I was about 11 or 12, so I had no money, and obviously, my mother wouldn't buy a Sega Saturn for me. So I gave up on ever playing it.
Sonic Adventure comes out for the Dreamcast, and the pinball game and visuals, music, Reala cards, ect. made me want to play it even more. But again, no Sega Saturn in sight. Finally, a few years ago (my 18th birthday actually, so it was 5 years ago, but I could swear it doesn't seem that long ago), it hit me, ebay. I fight NiGHTS into Dreams for $8. Bought it since it seemed like a hell of a deal. 2 Months later, I found a Sega Saturn for $30 months, so I was finally able to play it. Now all I could hope for was a Christmas NiGHTS deal. Never found one, so I had to get the damn thing for $12 >.< But I guess it made up for the money I saved on NiD and Sega Saturn.
Anyway, I was disappointed that the game wasn't 3D like I always thought, but I still fell in love with the music and bosses. The levels were good, but I would of prefered to be able to explore them in 3D without some killer clock with a spotlight chaseing you at high speeds >.<
Anyway, since then, I been a NiGHTS fanatic too. So how did the rest of you become one?
Posted 25 April 2007 - 08:13 PM

Yeah the clock really puts a damper in exploring, you can disable it if you install a sega saturn debugger. But it is annoying for the casual user to setup being you need a PC commlink card and a computer running in dos or with dos io privaledges (the "giveio" driver will do this)but I would of prefered to be able to explore them in 3D without some killer clock with a spotlight chaseing you at high speeds >.<
I first descovered NiGHTS when I saw it at a movie rental store in 96 or 97 or something. I rented it along with a saturn. (I just owned a NES at the time >.<) It completely blew me away as it was the first full 3d game I had played on a console.
Posted 25 April 2007 - 08:50 PM

My mum got me the game ages ago...i need to dig it out and play it again sometime, apparantly though, I did actually play it when it first came out...cept i don't remember that @_@
I also blame sonic adventure >> << damn pinball level...
Posted 25 April 2007 - 08:51 PM

I want the option of playing the game with just the kids. Like, no NiGHTS, no scores (so no cheating! XD) and most importantly NO egg clock. It wouldn't take any challenge *away* from the game and it would be far too fun D= Maybe only once you've cleared the stage so it's not just for if you're lazy? XD
Posted 25 April 2007 - 08:57 PM

Yeeeeeeears after, searching for old games (I LOVE OLD GAMES.) I found NiGHTS. Then TRiP's website. Bam, I'm in love.
In 2006 I talked to my cousin again. I said that I wanted to play his Sega Saturn again, and he gave me it. BUT! It didn't had controllers. X/ UNLUCKY ME!
I didn't got to know NiGHTS in '96 or '97. I was two years old in '96. Just some days to be three years old, but... D:
Posted 25 April 2007 - 09:04 PM

I was two years old in '96.
I should stop cursing around you then o.o
Posted 25 April 2007 - 09:08 PM

Posted 25 April 2007 - 09:09 PM

The real start of my liking it would have to be by playing the Pinball level of Sonic Adventure's Director Cut. I enjoyed how you'd go into a wormhole and enter a wonderful little world where NiGHTS was. Ah, to reminisce...
A while later, I was watching/listening to Tsuki no Waltz, when NiGHTS came to my mind all of a sudden. I checked out the Wikipedia article on it and was happy that there's a sequel coming out.
So here we are!
Posted 25 April 2007 - 09:09 PM

Since then, it's probably my favourite series to date. It's definately knocked the Sonic series off the top, of my list which to be frank, has seen better days. Oh whats this. Another Character.
Keep it simple and fun I say.
Posted 25 April 2007 - 09:12 PM

It's definately knocked the Sonic series off the top, of my list...
Yeah, honestly, thats not saying much anymore.
Posted 25 April 2007 - 09:15 PM

One year later, I play Sonic Adventure, find the pinball level, and remember that post. I thought this would look like a fun game to buy.
Six months later, I find the game at Goodwill, and around the same time, I get a Sega Saturn from my sister for Christmas.
And from there, I loved the game, and found this website through Wikipedia. And that's where I am now.

Posted 25 April 2007 - 09:18 PM

Yeah, honestly, thats not saying much anymore.
Perhaps not to you, but I grew up with Sonic at my side. That series has done so much for me. Hell, im inclined to believe I wouldn't be half the artist I am nowadays if it werent for the scribbles I did of Sonic when I was 4. I still have a shelf of Sonic stuff in my bedroom. My life of video games centred around Sonic from the start, and it's tough to see the series in the state it is nowadays.
Posted 25 April 2007 - 09:29 PM

Perhaps not to you, but I grew up with Sonic at my side. That series has done so much for me. Hell, im inclined to believe I wouldn't be half the artist I am nowadays if it werent for the scribbles I did of Sonic when I was 4. I still have a shelf of Sonic stuff in my bedroom. My life of video games centred around Sonic from the start, and it's tough to see the series in the state it is nowadays.
Trust me, I know all of that. With TMNT at the top of my list, CLOSELY followed by Sonic, then Mario, then NiGHTS. But with 2000's Sonic Shuffle, 2001's Sonic Adventure 2, and oh god the worse of all, my repect for the series dropped DRASTICALLY with Sonic Heroes. The Sonic Advance games sucked, Shadow was good imo, but not a Sonic game. And I can't afford a 360 or PS3, so I never played Sonic Next, but I heard it's average is 4/10. I just got Sonic and the Secret Rings a few days ago, I want to kill myself for selling a game, and paying $50 just for this game. That did it, I'm never playing another Sonic game again. He's at the bottom of my list now. The Archie comic's is the only thing keeping Sonic alive to me now, *Archie Comic spoiler for newest issue* and since they just killed Espio in this last issue, I've lost alot of repect for that comic now too.
Posted 25 April 2007 - 09:44 PM

Trust me, I know all of that. With TMNT at the top of my list, CLOSELY followed by Sonic, then Mario, then NiGHTS. But with 2000's Sonic Shuffle, 2001's Sonic Adventure 2, and oh god the worse of all, my repect for the series dropped DRASTICALLY with Sonic Heroes. The Sonic Advance games sucked, Shadow was good imo, but not a Sonic game. And I can't afford a 360 or PS3, so I never played Sonic Next, but I heard it's average is 4/10. I just got Sonic and the Secret Rings a few days ago, I want to kill myself for selling a game, and paying $50 just for this game. That did it, I'm never playing another Sonic game again. He's at the bottom of my list now. The Archie comic's is the only thing keeping Sonic alive to me now, *Archie Comic spoiler for newest issue* and since they just killed Espio in this last issue, I've lost alot of repect for that comic now too.
Well, my point still stands. Sonic's been my idol for near on 10 years. The fact the NiGHTS has replaced that IS saying alot.
And excuse me for asking, but how on earth is Archie the only thing keeping Sonic alive for you ? They've made more of a mess of the series than the games have.
Posted 25 April 2007 - 09:49 PM

Well, my point still stands. Sonic's been my idol for near on 10 years. The fact the NiGHTS has replaced that IS saying alot.
Well he's been mine for 16 years >.< and now he's at the bottom of the list. Now THAT is saying alot...or...not alot...or...dammit, you've got me confused now >.<
And excuse me for asking, but how on earth is Archie the only thing keeping Sonic alive for you ? They've made more of a mess of the series than the games have.
Because Archie doesn't follow the same crap that the games have, although Archie ruined Metal Sonic just as bad. Archie never introduced Cream, which is a good thing. They'd probably make her some dumb cousin of Bunny's.
Plus, the comics are a bit darker and more mature than the games, and being at the age of 22, I prefer that.
Posted 25 April 2007 - 09:56 PM

On the other note, I will put this very quick and simple cause no one likes to read long stuff.
I played Sonic when I was 5 and I have loved it ever since.
I played NiGHTS when I was 8 (only sampler version) and loved it ever since.
I found the NiD board, found out NiGHTS was cheap and finally got the normal NiGHTS and Jap X-mas NiGHTS (And new Saturn cause original was stolen 10 years ago..)
Now I express my love for Sonic and NiGHTS. Well actually I don't like Sonic himself so much. Just half of the games and a few characters. (They really ruined Sonic recently.)
Posted 25 April 2007 - 10:28 PM

Lets hope they aren't restarting NiGHTS like they plan to do with Sonic.
Posted 25 April 2007 - 10:33 PM

Seriously, this Sonic restart they are talking about actually wouldn't be a bad idea anymore. But since it's still Sega and Sonic Team, the restart would probably suck just as bad too.
Lets hope they aren't restarting NiGHTS like they plan to do with Sonic.
Huh?! Restart? I am confused....
Posted 25 April 2007 - 10:39 PM

they considered sonic next a restart because it went "back to the basics" with just sonic and running fast. at least that was the idea, but the game was really bad anyways.Huh?! Restart? I am confused....
Posted 25 April 2007 - 10:41 PM

they considered sonic next a restart because it went "back to the basics" with just sonic and running fast. at least that was the idea, but the game was really bad anyways.
No, I heard that because of bad sales with that game, they are considering a total restart. I have a link to the article where I read this, but it'll take me awhile to find the forum I read it on.
Posted 25 April 2007 - 11:01 PM

Yeah, that comic was pretty good, and I would love for NiGHTS to be more like he was in that comic. Claris was hot in that bathing suit at the end XD
Posted 25 April 2007 - 11:03 PM

For instance, I firmly believe that Stick Canyon Mare 4 instilled in my impressionable six-year-old mind the strong hatred of industry and construction sites that I have today, heh.
Posted 25 April 2007 - 11:05 PM

I started as a Sonic the Hedgehog fan looking for some Sonic fanart. I came across a comic called, "NiGHTS and the f**ked kids." After reading it I fell in love and wanted to learn more about it.
What?! I never heard of that comic. Sounds great though. I wish I could see it.
Yes, Sonic promotes NiGHTS in a very small way.
Posted 25 April 2007 - 11:13 PM

For instance, I firmly believe that Stick Canyon Mare 4 instilled in my impressionable six-year-old mind the strong hatred of industry and construction sites that I have today, heh.
And I firmly belive the game has made me hate bouncing French women bunnies. lol
Sorry I didn't post this earlier. My internet decided to faurt on me...
Posted 25 April 2007 - 11:14 PM

What?! I never heard of that comic. Sounds great though. I wish I could see it.
It's on this site. This site is where I first saw it O.o
Posted 25 April 2007 - 11:23 PM

Posted 25 April 2007 - 11:34 PM

It's on this site. This site is where I first saw it O.o
Oh ok now I remember. I forgot the title thats all.
Am I the only one experiencing database meltdown right now?

Posted 25 April 2007 - 11:45 PM

Am I the only one experiencing database meltdown right now?
No. You PMed me the same message three times in a row, so I noticed you had, and my pages loads were insanely slow. Eventually I had some error to the database message, so I had to restart for about 10 or so minutes before things went back to normal >.>
Posted 26 April 2007 - 12:01 AM

No. You PMed me the same message three times in a row, so I noticed you had, and my pages loads were insanely slow. Eventually I had some error to the database message, so I had to restart for about 10 or so minutes before things went back to normal >.>
Its only the first day and we are already causing this place to overflow. lol
All this talk about classic Sonic is makeing me want to play my Mega collection.
Posted 26 April 2007 - 12:15 AM

Posted 26 April 2007 - 12:41 AM

It was AWESOME. I didn't think it could get any better (playing Daytona USA, Virtua Cop, and VF2 over and over since there was pretty much no money left over for anything else) but boy, was I wrong...
Here's hoping that the new one will be just as good if not better! (I don't know if that's possible, especially given Sega's recent track record -- but you never know...)
Posted 26 April 2007 - 12:53 AM

Posted 26 April 2007 - 12:53 AM

Posted 26 April 2007 - 01:57 AM

Then... LO AND BEHOLD, and came across madame TRiPPY's DA page and found out.
The end.
Posted 26 April 2007 - 02:43 AM

Heh, I fondly remember my 12th birthday that year, when my friends and I stayed up till heaven-knows-when.. they didn't like the flying much (!!!), but we still had a hoot running around as the kids. "It's the alarm egg! *SHRIEK*" XD
From then on, I lost touch with those friends, and spent a few years as a one-and-only kinda fan.. imagine my surprise when I discovered the internet! "Whoa, there's MORE fans besides me? NO WAY!" Ah, the NiGHTS Fan! boards, how I have missed thee..
Posted 26 April 2007 - 02:46 AM

Posted 26 April 2007 - 04:41 AM

Im pretty sure when I had to leave I wanted to steal that game and bring it with me (yeah Im bad XD)
Posted 26 April 2007 - 04:46 AM

Posted 26 April 2007 - 04:52 AM

But maybe thats why NiGHTS spoke so close to my heart. I was always a dreamer.
Posted 26 April 2007 - 05:04 AM

well I had to play it with the original controller because my cousin somehow broke the analog. But I wasnt very good. I think I got a few C's and some D's. sorta like my report cards at that time. Hey, I spaced out in class. I cant help it.
But maybe thats why NiGHTS spoke so close to my heart. I was always a dreamer.
I only had the normal controller too and my grades were bad. But then someone told me that when you have extra time after you have the idya, you should go another lap and collect more chips. Than my score went up trumendously.
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